I’ve added a countdown to the new Indiana Jones movie up top there.
The Indiana Jones movies have influenced my whole design of Halloween for some time now.
Or rather, The Temple of Doom has, specifically. (Not that the face melting and super rapidly aging nazis from the other films are not also great sources, mind you.)
Oh sure, ask most anyone, and they love Raiders of the Lost Ark, and/or The Last Crusade.
Me? My favorite remains Temple of Doom. The first.
See, the events of Temple of Doom actually take place prior to Raiders of the Lost Ark. Yep, a little known fact, Temple of Doom is a PREquel. Yes, it is dark. Yes, Indy is protrayed as little more than a mercenary for much of the film. And, yes, it is the movie that invented the PG-13 rating.
Add to that human sacrifice, bugs, bizaar priests, skull motifs, voodoo dolls, a wonderful dinner scene, and the fact I rode my bike to the theater to watch this thing at the dollar matinee as often as I could, and it should be no wonder I often plug Temple of Doom into the dvd for a little inspiration whenever needed. Rare is the film that draws the same level of scare that I aim for on Halloween, myself. Temple of Doom aproximates that level very well.
And now, they are making another Indiana Jones. Certainly “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” has a lot of potential to include some inspirational content as well. I have already been researching Mayan/Incan/Aztec religions and symbolisms for some years for inspiration. If you know where to look, you might even catch the references in my photos. And with recent hollywood productions like “The Fountain” and “Apocolypto” providing some of that theatrical flair to the subject, I’m quite optimistic there will be something for me to draw inspiration from in the new Jones film, which is sure to be a more enjoyable watch than the other two…