Quick note

Just a quick note to say thank you to all who came out to see the Laboratory tonight.

We had a lot of fun, hope you all did too.

For the rest of you folks, pics and video coming soon…but Youtube is down right now.

Categorized as Fun, Lab

Somehow fitting.


Which means, it’s showtime for the lab. Somehow fitting there’s a thunderstorm outside now, and it’s due to restart tomorrow night.

You just have to LOVE doing a Frankenstein show during a thunderstorm. You also have to love the whole traditional Halloween festival being moved to a september ‘fall carnival’ so it can be OUTSIDE getting rained out.

I’m wanting to be out doing my best evil laugh in the middle of the rain…

Anyhow, a last minute addition that will not be completely finished, but serviceable:

From Lab

EXTREMELY fortunate score on Labor day there. A VERY OLD G.E. console TV cabinet. The OLD kind where the whole TV is built in and everything. But, someone had already done the dirty work, removed the old tube and speakers, and converted it into just a TV cabinet. And, it had some water damage.

Well, I took advantage of the Savers 50% off Labor Day sale, and snagged that sucker for $3.

The jars of goop light up, and an aquarium air pump and a couple airstones make them bubble and brew.

From Lab

I’ve also begun work on yet another tutorial. A kind of beginners guide to some makeup techniques. Nothing earth shattering, or state of the art. Just things you can do with that cream makeup and liquid latex your likely to find down at the local party store. Been getting some questions how I do some things in that department, and I realize that a lot of this info just isn’t out there these days. Instruction books used to come with the makeup itself, but not anymore. Maybe I can take some of that fear away from a few folks new to the medium.

Categorized as Lab, Makeup

Grin and bear it.

I stumbled on something the other day.

Somehow my daughter had gotten ahold of some aquarium gravel.

Of course, she currently thinks ROCKS are the most amazing things in the world to begin with…

Anyhow, on confiscating it, I was surprised to see just how much like a tooth it actually looked…

Hey, this could be useful.

From bob

Dirt cheap, that gravel. And look, a set of choppers.

From bob

Bob’s dentist still sucks, though.

From bob

My Bob there has racked up to be just under $20 in construction…Or…you could buy one of THESE for $60…

From bob

I’ll take Bob…

Hands are crawling around everywhere now.

From bob
From bob

Made watching “And now the screaming starts” all the more hilarious this weekend.

News and notes.

Mostly been working on the BYOB project lately. Still not finished.

I did get some work on some lab equipment done, but the pictures I “took” turned out to not have a card in the camera….DOH!

While making a hand for the BYOB, though, I came on something.

From bob

I’m REALLY liking the whole disembodied hand look there. It just cracks me up. That one is presently hanging on the computer monitor, and I have 2 more drying. I think I just may make a bunch of them to give to some folks. Heck, might even sale one or two.

From bob

EVERYTHING is now Bob as far as Talia is concerned. Anything with a remotely skull design…”BOB!!!” Michaels yesterday, when another child of similar age was being traumatized by the Halloween section, Talia was in complete wonder at the little Halloween village that had an animated Bob. Occasionally, “Fred” escapes instead of Bob, and she knows Fred from Bob at home, but I’m not sure what is triggering the difference in the stores.

I do want to highlight one portion of the BYOB here now, before it’s finished. Making of a skull.

First, you need a skull to copy.

“This one scareder”

From bob

And, just cover it in tin foil.

From bob

Mache over half of it, and peel off.

From bob

Repeat for the other half, and slap those two together, presto, you have a skull. Little clay to fill in the details…

Works on the jaw, too.

From bob