Christmas roundup

Crazy week of Christmas fun.

First we had Kyle’s Choir concert.

Who still has a tendency to look like he’s attacking the song more than he’s singing.

Beginning with the ever popular 3 wise Trex.

We continued on through our list of annual treats…

And even managed to FINALLY perfect the Toffee recipe, and hope to get an updated one on here soon. I’ve also decided the peanut brittle needs a little bit of an adjustment as well.

Then it was off to Alec’s concert.

Waiting for it to begin, we appeared to have great seats…

Then, they all stood up, and we couldn’t see him at all.

So, I got up and walked back and around to the other side standing only to get pics…Which really troubled Alec, who saw me get up, but not where I went, so he spent half the time staring at my empty seat.

“Oh, that’s where you went.” Deathstare.

Just in time for the final song.

Then we made it down for our annual trip to see “the Christmas Ghosts” as Talia has dubbed it when a local graveyard decorates their graves with luminaries.

VERY dark out, bitterly cold, and I wandered off through the graveyard to see if they had the bas-relief lit up. Glad I did.

Beautiful Graveyard.

Graveyards are really not my thing when it comes to Halloween.

A part of that is they tend to all look more or less the same at the end of the day, and more often than not have some garish lighting and foolish names and/or images on them.

So, I’m pleased to share a beautiful graveyard setup I found over on the Halloween Forum.

I’ve been a fan of Terra’s work before. So, it should be no surprise that she would bring some interesting ideas to make a graveyard more interesting.

For those seeking information on how to make your own, Terra has made a wonderful Tombstone Tutorial here, a tutorial on how to make those excellent candles that add so much to the scene, AND a seperate tutorial for that lovely Beloved.

Categorized as Graves


Ya know, one thing I’ve never quite understood about the more normal Halloween traditions, is the inclusion of a Cemetery into the decoration.

They have never been a place of fright or danger to me. Perhaps that has to do with vacations that sought out strange cemeteries, or wandering them in search of names for my mom’s writing. Taking rubbings for fun…

I understand the history of Halloween with the stories of the spirits returning and dressing up to hide from them. I also understand this tradition still exists in some cultures, where the spirits of the dead can cause harm to the living, if not properly cared for. Project Nightfall even bases it’s construction on such a belief.

And yet, I’ve always personally felt it much closer to the Dia De Los Muertes tradition where the spirits come back to visit, and should be welcomed. And, there is something in the air around the equinox that makes feeling thos spirits a bit easier.

This morning, we took my mom and Grandma out to visit some graves that they did not get to see on memorial day.

From An UnOrthOdOx Halloween

I’ve always been open to feeling spirits, I believe, and it was nice to revisit family I had not been to see since my childhood. Plus, it helped my Mom and Grandma in the process.

From An UnOrthOdOx Halloween

We had so much fun there, we decided to head out to a more local cemetery this afternoon. Originally to get some pics of some more halloweenish tombstones.

From An UnOrthOdOx Halloween

This is a gorgeous new one. I love the ones that are all statuesque.

From An UnOrthOdOx Halloween

Then, you can’t take a trip to the cemetery here without noting some of the more prominent ghost stories. Here is the statue standing over the WWII memorial. Legend has it that if you drive your car around it a number of times (vary according to which version), the statue will begin to watch you.

From An UnOrthOdOx Halloween

And, as long as we were right there, Jen’s grandparents were buried near by. So, she went off looking while I got the picture of the statue. I got done with and went over to show her where the grave was after I finished, and she had still not found it. As I said, I’ve always been open, and I just KNEW where it was despite having never been there before.

Alec was rather interested to see family there.

From An UnOrthOdOx Halloween

And, with Alec being so interested, I figured we may as well go see my grandparents.

From An UnOrthOdOx Halloween

There is also a purported witch buried in the cemetery, and I’m certain I could have found it to get a picture, but with Talia off wandering and the shadows growing long, we didn’t have time to go looking before getting dinner.

From An UnOrthOdOx Halloween

"Overcome by events"

So much for plans.

I had Friday off, and had this great plan to get the graves done then…

HOWEVER. See, there’s this little teeny tiny problem that comes with 600+ people stomping across your yard in a set path every year. That path tends to…stick around. Not as green, not as dense, etc. However, we had good results last year with a fertilizing schedule, so we’re copying it this year, and that dictated that I needed to fertilize Friday.

So, mowing, trimming, fertilizing, and watering took up the morning, and into the evening. With the water going, that rendered the lawn off limits for a workspace, that left the driveway. And, with watching the kids, by the time I was free, it left little light. So, 2 grave caps got the next step. That’s where we left off. Not all 7, like I had hoped.

Saturday, I had planned to make skulls all day. Well, Emily just HAD to go and tell me about the super duper sale over at Old Navy Saturday morning. Kids pants for $7. Thus I found myself standing outside the local Old Navy 20 people back in a 200+ person line. I will have MUCH more to comment on the big sale shopping later in the year, but suffice it to say, Kyle had 3 new pairs of Jeans (stupid 3 per customer limit) within a minute of opening, I was back in the store for Alec in under 5 minutes, but EVERYTHING in the boy’s section had sold out. This store had virtually no selection there to begin with.

THEN we had to pick up Indy from the vet, after being neutered and de-clawed. There, they sprang upon me the fact that, oh, by the way, he’s going to need a special cat sand for the next few days. Didn’t they go over that with you? Uh, no.

So, drop him off at home, confiscate the cat sand, replace it with newspaper, grab Talia so Jen can get some sleep, head BACK out the door to the pet store for special cat sand.

‘Course, Talia has to go and fall asleep on the way home, destroying her normal nap schedule. Get home, get the cat sand in, feed the kids, hey, guess what. We need to get to the grocery store because we’re out of everything. And, I had forgotten about the special um…”salad” I was going to make for a pot luck.

So, with Talia’s schedule shot, it’s 4PM before she wakes up, get to the store, and come away with enough to get us through to the major shopping day, and the ingredients for ‘salad’.

This does bring me to another unorthodox cooking tip. Ever had trouble slicing tomatoes?

A few tricks I invented while working at Burger King, and having to manually slice ALL the tomatoes every day. 1st, tomatoes cut MUCH MUCH BETTER when chilled. So, since you gotta wash em anyway, do so in ice water.

Next, the hell with what the cooking books tell you…USE THE BREAD KNIFE. Makes nice, even thin slices, no troubles.

So, an easy “salad” to bring to your next pot luck. Slice some tomatoes, slice some mozzerella, alternate the two, and cover the whole thing with italian dressing. (green onions, thyme, parsley, etc optional too) Let sit overnight.

Needless to say, by the time this was all done, I had given up on the skulls. And instead settled in to watch The Ruins. Having read NOTHING on it previously, only knowing about the Mayan ruins holding something evil, I was interested.

Spoiler Alert:

However, as far as man eating vines capable of aparant intelligence and communication go, Audrey II is far more frightening and entertaining. Yes, the musical comedy version is more frightening. The Ruins had potential, and squandered it away by serving up a whole lotta cliche material and not exploring some of the more unique features, then neutering the ending. Much better “alternate ending”.