More Stele news

It’s been slow going.

Crappy weather, and we’re at a point where I REALLY need to be able to work outside as the builds are getting too big for indoors…

Still, finally got around to some more work on the Stele.

We have a test of an idea for the sides drying in the garage now. (along with a new test mache recipe)

But, I also got the lower jaw’s reattached with the old recipe, then some work on them done with a mixture of the old and new recipes.

From 2010 Buildup

Can’t wait to get some of the lower teeth going.

Some face work, smoothing things out.

From 2010 Buildup


So, flinging ideas around for these bases, someone mentioned a Coatl.

That got me going. I love researching into new things, and I had only touched on the Aztec mythos of Spider Woman

What coatl were associated with Spider Woman?

And, low and behold, Xiuhcoatl came up.

The Aztec god of Fire.

From 2010 Buildup

Serpent when in his spirit form, he was represented in month end ceremonies with a paper serpent that had a flaming head. Guardian of Spider Woman…

Here am I, 2 snake-like, paper, flaming heads being built for a month end ceremony as guardians of Spider Woman.

Who am I to argue with the Gods? May as well run with the whole serpent idea.

Now…what to do with the base….

So, the Stele have been coming along just fine.

Oh, sure, there was a little problem with the cat breaking the lower jaws off…but, I’ll get to re-attaching those later.

Sunday, I was able to procure a couple of bar stools.

These serve a triple purpose.

First, they give us some height to the Stele, so I do not need worry about stray costumes getting into the fire.
Second, they are a skeletal frame for said base, which will allow me to get creative with the base…
Third, saved me from having to build my own.

From 2010 Buildup

So, as you can see, they Stele have been attached to the top of the stools, which allowed me to remove the firebowls and remove all form material that was clogging up the heads. Should be able to wire them for lighting now.

Now it’s time to start on the bases (and the lower jaw).

Currently, the leading thought is to have it be a pile of skulls…But, I’m still toying with the idea at the moment.

Speaking of skulls. Talia is most fond of her new nightshirt.

From 2010 Buildup

More Stele work.

Busy day. Got quite a bit added to the Stele.

Early morning work:

From 2010 Buildup

Just enough to add on the new form for the rest of the top, and the eyes.

Afternoon, after that had a chance to dry, we finished off the top.

It was at this point I had a momentary flash of an OLD design I had drawn up for a giant snake, coupled with a number of ghost stories about a hidden tribe of natives that worship a giant snake in the area, and how I always wanted to do that when I read it back around the age of 14 or so….

They sure did look snakey.

From 2010 Buildup

Anyhow, pressing forward with the Charr plan, we followed the same basic build process I used on Charr to add some teeth.

From 2010 Buildup

And, a little placeholder for the lower jaw, since I had a little extra mache left over tonight.

From 2010 Buildup

For those of you keeping score at home, presently this project has taken up 2 mini fire bowls, 1 of the fire bowl boxes, and a whole lot of paper mache.

I’m hoping to find a couple stands for these things on the cheap (though I can make them if needed). I need 2-4′ more height added to them. Both for looks, and, more importantly, to keep from any accidental brushing of the fire by costumes, and keep it well away from grabby little wee one hands.

Stele update and question.

Got some more work done on my Stele.

From 2010 Buildup

With the sidewalls and beginning of the heads done, they are beginning to look like an actual statue.

From 2010 Buildup

Now there is a question with how to proceed with the face.

A traditional stele look, to make these appear as statues carved of stone. Classical, fitting.

Or, a more Halloween twist, with hollowed out, carved, and lit from the inside, more akin to a Jack O lantern. Unorthodox, Halloween.
