Year of the Charr.

We broke out and actually started work this weekend.

As spoken of, last year in the rain, one of the totems turned all mushy, and it’s still unsure whether or not it will be salvageable.

Still, those things inspire quite the intimidation to children. Something with that fog, lights, ‘fire’…If I could capture a piece of that in a NEW addition…one that will fit future themes as well as the current one…

Thinking primarily on this, and reflecting on the last year. Project Nightfall was Jen’s favorite thing we’ve done to date. PERSONALLY, I found it the biggest pain in rear to date. The rain also played havoc on IT, and I have yet to open the shed to assess the carnage. I truly hope it’s not totally destroyed…all that work for one year….What we DO know of it, is that it was not a winner of the art contest.

With us moving away from themes that will mesh well with things found in Guild Wars, I also wanted to give one last go at that contest. So, I searched my archive of photos from Guild Wars, and have found the Charr. Or, most specifically, the Charr’s Idols.

From Year of the Charr

I’ve always loved the Charr in the game to begin with. Big, carnivorous, menacing. Worshipping fire, and viewing humans as a meal. It was said, the more of these idols they made, the stronger they became.

From Year of the Charr

Of course, as they worshipped fire, most often these things were seen ablaze.

From Year of the Charr

And, some of their other “decoration” just fits RIGHT in with our yard…

From Year of the Charr

In fact, it was the Charr that inspired much of the yard to begin with. It feels only right to give them one last nod before we move on to Spider Woman.

The challenge now, is to bring these to life.

From Year of the Charr

There is a plan set in motion this weekend, but some of the hardware proved to be a bit on the weak side. Once that is replaced, we’ll get some pics going.