New revelations.

The redneck mother mold was a success.

We pulled the crystal skull out in all it’s gooey glory Teusday night. Damn rubber gloves busted but I managed to get the stuff off before we got any chemical burns. the skull is now drying in the garage. Still. The stuff we used is REALLY not meant to cast things this large, so it’s a slow process. Teusday it was down right gooey. Yesterday it was sticky. This morning, just a little tacky. We’re getting there.

Once it’s all dry we’ll get some pictures.

And, went to work on the pinata again last night, to be greated with yet another nugget of info about that paper mache glue I made…

In addition to fermenting, it freezes rather easily… as I had the second batch in the fridge to prevent it suffering the same fate as the former. Nothing else in the fridge is freezing.

On the plus side, it heated up just lovely. So…if I have leftover I may just purposely freeze it for a later date.

So, with the weekend approaching, our goals include finishing this pinata so I can get back to full time Halloween focus, finishing the mold of the little wooden skull, Getting some work on that next batch of shrunken heads, tending to my precious little Halloween grasses in the garden, and getting Kyle going on skull production.

I was also notified of some broken links off to the right. They are now fixed.

More updates.

Did a bit of work last night on the mask. Getting teeth started. I’m thinking I might have to go get some Air dry porcelain to get them to go how I want.

Also finished up a tutorial on how to go about making your own shrunken heads.

And, as long as I’m going to be making tutorials, figured I may as well get a section together here to organize that for folks. So, I added in a “how to make your own” section in the sidebar there. Couple links to the tutorials I’ve made for molds and heads right now. I’ll add in things as I either make them, or use someone else’s. Lots of good stuff out there already.

But, mostly, it’s been getting yardwork done. Lots to clean up. Gotta get ready to do the planting. Goals for the weekend: Get the latex on the next batch of shrunken heads, and finish up the flower bed preparations.

Maybe plant some clothes.

And, not to forget. For your viewing pleasure, AMC presents a very special Extremely Crappy Movie Friday night this week. Triple feature:

The Omen: Above average fare for Friday nights.
Damien: Omen II: That’s more like it…but you can do better, AMC.
Earth Vs The Spider: THERE we go. Anything with “Earth Vs” in the title is bound to be excellent

More Pictures!

I’ve dug into the archives and dug out pics from 2005 and uploaded them for your viewing pleasure. Most of it is pics of the building of my mask for that year, as that’s really the only major addition that year.

Also added in pics to 2006 of some work in progress peices, and some pics off the other camera to 2007.

And don’t forget, it’s AMC’s Extremely Crappy Movie Friday night!

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Rearranging things

Been fiddling with this here HTML stuff.

Not a clue what I’m doing, but most of it seems logical enough. You know, with all that experience I had writing my own games back on the Apple IIe and all…yeah, just the same. Sure.

Actually, to be honest, it reminds me a LOT of ye olde Appleworks. Showing my age there. But I wrote plenty of reports on that, and the whole open carrot, close carrot, for every little thing, and looking at the whole thing in that little code (maybe 2 people out there are recalling this…hi mom) is really similar to HTML. I’m just still figuring out what all the tags actually are here.

So, if you come in here and it all looks like crap all the sudden, it’s probably because I screwed something up, and please let me know.

Tonight is Castle of Chaos night. I’ll post how it goes when I can.

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New home.

For those used to seeing my halloween posts over on MZO or Apolyton, well, this is going to be the new home from here on out.

Seems easier centralizing it than trying to keep up at several locations. Especially with the popup problems over on MZO this week.

For the rest, expect this to be getting a fair bit more active.

As such, I’ve added a couple new toys to the sidebar there. Videos from some tests and a walkthrough from last year, and photo albums of 2006 and 2007. Enjoy.

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