
Just when I got started making progress, what do you know, we get interrupted.

Alec came home with some homework. Specifically, a biography report. Among the requirements is, of course, a costume. Just who’s homework is that?

Well, Alec want’s to be Alexander the Great…

Now, Just how do you make Alexander the Great? Especially so someone KNOWS that’s your costume. Well, there is, perhaps, the most famous of portraits.

From 2011 buildup

There is the Medusa armor. Alec, fortunately is the perfect size for these body forms. So much so the initial plan was just to cut one up and strap it on. But, I figured we have enough time, we’ll make a proper costume.

Paper mache armor is all fine and good, but I think we all know what 8 year olds with a human pinata would do to that armor…So, I’m reinforcing it with cheese cloth decopaged on top. (decopaging cheesecloth into a pinata is a great way to keep kids busy all afternoon as well…)

From 2011 buildup
From 2011 buildup

Armor is all fine and good, but not everyone is going to immediately recognize even that. So, we need a nice greek helmet as well.

Alec patiently sitting while the rigid wrap dries on his head…a super quick form for a helmet…

From 2011 buildup

Medusa taking shape on the armor, based on traditional depictions of Medusa from the time: head surrounded, sunken eyes, and tongue out.

From 2011 buildup
Categorized as Alec

A very special Fears of Childhood.

Another in my series of examining the fears of childhood.

Somehow, some way, Talia managed to bite her finger whilst attempting to devour Oreo’s hard enough to draw blood…and trama ensued.

Talia REALLY does not care for blood. Ever since I was testing the 3d gel, and had colored it red (since we had a plethora of that color), she got rather upset with the ‘blood’ all over my face.

And, this cropped up again as she went through the haunted houses this season. One particular room, COVERED in blood, was always where she wanted me to pick her up. She don’t want anything to do with that.

Talia, it seems, has a fear of blood.

From 2011 buildup

Alec, meanwhile is nursing a long standing fear…of dogs.

From 2011 buildup

I really don’t know where this comes from. Both grandparents have dogs, and to my knowledge, he’s never been bit, yet he is still VERY nervous around either of them, and does not often pet, and will flinch if the dog so much as moves at his touch…


Oh, Kyle…

He got his first taste of a ‘real’ horror movie the other night…a sleepless one…

From 2011 buildup

As for Talia, though, she’s got her own way of working through the blood thing…raiding Alec’s old costumes.

From 2011 buildup

Alec’s new toys…

Getting a quick test video of the remaining lab equipment, and Alec decided he wanted to come help.

Donning the lab coat, he gave his best evil laugh…

Don’t know where he get’s it from…

He’s back to wanting to be a mad scientist today. It’ll change again tomorrow…

Sorting through some photos, some inspiration for you all.

I never really was one to fully understand the whole idea of clowns being scary.

Talia insists this clown is scary, however.

From 2010 Buildup

Browsing the other posters, however. I find myself at a loss. There is little I can find to interpret this particular poster as anything BUT scary. That middle clown is coming for YOU.

From 2010 Buildup

In fact, I think I saw him over here.

A whole carnival setup would be awful fun to do one of these years. And, as we went to the Zoo last weekend, this little plaza gave me a great idea if we ever go that route.

From 2010 Buildup

I wonder 1: what kind of cloth those flags are made of and 2: how long it took them to fade….

Of course, they were featuring some of ‘natures nightmares’.

Not that I claim to fear spiders in the least. My brother had one of these for a pet.

From 2010 Buildup

Still, spiders are a ‘thing’ for so many out there. And, there’s even Spiderfest going on at the Davis Graveyard in honor of that. Who knows…I might just get around to making a spider for that. Have a week business trip coming up, nothing to do for 4 nights, and the wife wouldn’t let me build a spider HERE. If I can’t find a suitable activity around town for early October, I’m sure housekeeping would LOVE having someone making spiders…

And, of course, the bats.

From 2010 Buildup

Such sweet little things…what’s there to be afraid of?

Of course, I WANTED to tap that particular fear before, but my wife has stated that it’s grounds for divorce if I ever make some of the bat people.

And, of course the vulture.

From 2010 Buildup

We LOVE our little vulture buddy. “The mean bird” as Talia says.