Pumpkin, Trevor, and fun.

Well, after gettin all our pumpkins…

I realized we had far too many for me to deal with. Sorry, but I’m drawing a line at cleaning 100ish. So, what to do with the surplus?

They were gone in an hour.

Of course, we’ve also been taking a full advantage of our Lagoon season passes as well. Turns out Talia REALLY loves photo ops.

Makes me think I should build some myself…

Funny thing Lagoon features 4 haunted houses that run the range of the best and worst such professional haunts have to offer.

The Funhouse, clown centered, 3D haunted house is an utter mess of the same trick over and over. Every room is an assault on your eyes with an actor hiding somewhere. Barely variation on ye olde dot room.

The Backlot next door is the classic cram as many movie scenes as you can into a haunted house. Not my thing, but it is a staple of the season.

Lockdown is Lagoon’s prison themed haunt, and IMO the best one there again. Relatively low tech and actor driven, a lot depends on getting good actors in there, but I enjoy it best, and among them, it is both Talia’s and Alec’s biggest fear.

Nightwalk, however, is the polar opposite. High tech, almost entirely prop driven haunt…too bad they keep it so dark you can hardly see any of it.

Of course, we’ve also been working on my own stuff as well.

My mask for the year is coming along quite well. With Trevor being from the era of the plague and all, we figured we may as well run with that theme all the way round.

And of course, doing the plague and all, you have to account for the miasma theory of the time. Trevor finally got a full blown test…

“Real” art.

“Real” art. Thus Trevor was described to me by a neighbor.

We have gotten a tremendous amount done over the weekend. That is, me and my helper.

The tomb is about 90%. We have some touch up, and some fog figuring left to do.

Trevor’s been swiftly flying towards completion as well, with Alec’s help.

So, it was time for a little test to see how it was all coming together.

Even had time for a little lighting test before the thunderstorm this evening. Too windy to test the fog, though.

Decided we needed that warm lighting to highlight Trevor more. Either I have to make some fake candles…or….anyone know much about those drippy candles?

I still have a special place in my heart for the Pleurant, however.

Lord, I hate painting…

So, I’m rebuilding the lid since it was broken, and it’s going well, time to start painting on the drylok.

Oh, there’s a hole I can get the brush in…fill that…oh, wait, there’s another…oh look there…

THINK you’re all done with the base coat, go take some pics to post, and it’s more of a ‘oh you missed that spot’ list.

Hoes under the left foot…both feet have cracks that need to be filled still…

Oh, look, another hole under the head…

Successfully filled this HUGE hole, though.

Another massive hole was here under the head.

In fact, there was a hole all the way around the base as a gap from the combination of prying Trevor off the old lid, and it not matching up exactly.

there was a big hole under that right arm as well.

More holes needing filling…
but, filled a couple between forefinger and middle finger, and underneat that hand and forearm.

Still, Trevor is slowly marching to a completed piece…

Categorized as Trevor


Little accident.

Kyle dropped trevor and broke the lid.

Fortunately, we were able to save Trevor.

Just a few minor little cracks as he started to seperate from the base.

We’ve also started to get the tomb coated with protective coat.

In the process, we discovered a little springtime miracle.

Aint they cute?

well, a few might be…


Got at least one pumpkin sprouting finally. Should be a Lumina, so hopefully we’ll get some variety this year. Otherwise the garden isn’t doing so great. Some of the corn’s coming up, not much yet. Have some volunteer pumpkins I need to transplant over if the others don’t start sprouting soon.

Little things

May not be the most transformative process, and I’m not exactly sure it really pictures well, but we’ve started sanding Trevor, and it’s really coming ‘alive’ when seen in person. All the little lumps smothing out, it’s just looking “right”.

Also got a little blast from the past this weekend, as wind picked up and rolled out the carcasses of our pumpkins from last year. I really don’t know why some of them retained their shape in the compost pit, most just flattened out as they rotted. A few, well, they became these shells…which made me think the the body snatcher pods had landed.

This one still had Talia’s name scar in it.

And, we’ve built a couple more pleurant for the tomb.

Still trying to figure out a little somethin’ to do for Walpurgisnacht tomorrow….