Trevor’s transformation.

I konw it’s been a while, but I’ve been up to my elbows in clay for nearly a week, it seems. Kinda hard to break away, get pics, and post.

Its started as “we’ll just touch up some areas here and there”…but Trevor has consumed me to the point where it became a full on transformation. I apologize to anyone in the Ogden/Layton Utah area attempting to find DAS clay. I’ve systematically cleaned out all hobby stores selling it at a reasonable price. Even then I had to resort to some of the terra cotta color.

From Buildup 2012
From Buildup 2012

(Lilly there inspecting the work.)

From Buildup 2012


From Buildup 2012
From Buildup 2012

Start of the left side. I finished most the left leg as well, but failed to get a pic of it.

From Buildup 2012
From Buildup 2012

The sculpt is about 80% done I have a bit of the left leg left to finish, and then there’s a little sanding and cleanup work to do. I can’t wait to get him all painted up…

Categorized as Trevor

Trevor update

Trevor the transi got a lot of work over the weekend.

Is there anything more fun than messing with actual CLAY? I needed the fingers finished so we could do the next major step…

With them finished…it was time for that whole shroud business these transi were famous for.

Views of the right side.

Moving around to the left.

A good shot of how the tomb as a whole is coming along.

One might be tempted to say we just need to add some toes and the lid is ready for painting, but there is still quite a bit of detailing work to be done to Trevor now that the basic elements are all in place.

The knee bone’s connected to the….

Time to put Trevor together.

Wrists/hands and feet/ankles were all cast from my son’s respective limbs. I’ll need to do some sculpting of toes/fingers.

All joints were held together with just more foam. Even made a little pillow for him to lay on to get the right angle on the body. That part will eventually be covered with monster mud.

More great stuff for the knees, and hooking the feet on.

Thighs were made by draping the bottom half with plaster wrap, then filling with more foam, and sculpting it and fitting the top half with plaster.

After six hours and running out of plaster wrap, however, it was time to take a break from Trevor.

With any luck we’ll have him finished up next weekend, and MIGHT even get to getting the monster mud. Lid is definitely nearing completion. that said, something about Trevor now having arms and legs makes him especially creepy to me.

A Gemini at work.

If there’s one thing I can say about this tomb project, it’s that it is perfect for me.

If you’ve been following long, you’ll have noticed that I tend to start many projects early in the year, and don’t always finish them until October, if at all. As a Gemini, this seems quite natural for me.

Often, I’ve taken to setting deadlines for myself. This typically results in me rushing through a particular stage to get the project finished, even if it’s not my best work. Hey, at least it’s done, and who will notice in the dark anyway, right?

This tomb, however, has so many pieces to it, I’m easily able to hop from one area to another.

Saturday saw me working on Trevor, for instance.

And, I started getting that “let’s get this done to go work on the next thing” feeling. Well, the next thing is just more of the tomb, so I dropped Trevor and started working on a wall.

The thing is swiftly flying towards a completed piece. I’d sure like to have it finished in April. But, I’m going to avoid making that a deadline on this project. No need to rush anything.