What’s this got to do with Halloween OR Christmas, you ask?
I was in Costco last night, picking up some bread, as per my orders. There, I saw a magnificent sight. Coca Cola. REAL Coca Cola. The kind I had not witnessed since way back to my childhood.
Back when the local Coca Cola plant used REAL sugar, not that corn…whatever crap. Back when Coke came in those great glass bottles that we’ld save to make Root Beer.
Costco is carrying Coca Cola bottled in Mexico these days. Pure cane sugar Coca Cola. REAL Coca Cola. And, what’s even better, IT COMES IN THE GLASS BOTTLES!
Cracking open that bottle brought so many happy memories back…At Grandma’s drinking soda from glass bottles only to wash them and fill em with root beer.
And who knows…you just may be seeing those glass bottles being put to good use…
Now, if only someone would start carrying Dublin Dr Pepper…