…when you start actually landscaping your yard specifically for Halloween.
Bought the tallest darn grass the local shop had. I thought it was what I wanted based on the little picture on the little card in the pot. Looking it up at my mom’s, and I see it’s not exactly right, but will still work great for some Halloween projects.
So, I looked up in her big book what I actually DID want. Stop by another nursery to check it out. It is here that I learn that buying plants, like when buying aquarium fish, you really have to know your stuff.
Just like with aquarium fish, the label isn’t neccessarily what the item is. And buyer beware. Here they had the same name as the grass I wanted, yet the picture was clearly different. And, what’s more, down the row a bit was a clearly different grass, yet labeled the same. And, like the petshop, if you ask for assistance, you typically get a kid who doesn’t know much about the subject at hand.
Yeah…I’ve seen this before. When shopping for Cichlids. And, I’m thinking the answer is the same as it was then. The internet.
For grass.
For Halloween.
Yeah, we have issues…Let’s not even mention we’ll be planting some clothes right alongside the ornamental grasses.
We get new neighbors this week too…maybe some nice pumpkin cookies as a welcome.