June 2006, a dark shape took form in the back yard…
Soon, a head.
The hope was always to hook up fog to the head, but I was never sure I could get the fog to climb the pipe 6 ft into the head in our cold temperatures. It had me dancing in the dark when it actually worked.
Jack was named Jack Jackula by the boys, and we made trips around the neighborhood collecting “ugly sticks” to build him in October. It was Jack that started the whole thing…not only was this guy crazy lighting fires on Halloween, but what the heck is he gonna build NEXT?
Designed as an entrance from day one, he quickly became a photo op that year.
2007, Jack didn’t fit in, and soon found himself cast to sentry duty on a little corner of grass between my house and the neighbors.
By 2008, however, Jack had made his way back to the haunt proper, fitting the opening in our fence PERFECTLY, as if inspired so long ago.
He served the role well, my little niece here among those refusing to pass behond his glaring stare into what lay beyond.
It should be no surprise, then, that Jack was first among the things placed in ’09.
Good bye Jack. You will be missed….
Why’s he gone? I loved seeing him over the fence. 🙁
Unfortunately, I need space. And Jack takes up a lot of it in the offseason.