From Lab |
I’ve spoken before how the lab has a special place in my heart.
As it sits packed up in the truck, ready to head out tomorrow night, I am filled with both excitement and nerves.
The Lab has never had a smooth launch.
When I was 8, EVERYTHING…and I DO mean EVERYTHING went wrong. Friend ditching me, leaving me with no monster, crappy fake blacklight false advertising, lousy cardboard cutout skeleton. It just sucked, my first attempt at haunting. It left me more determined than ever to get this whole haunti
3 years ago when my Mother-in-law asked me to help her make a spook alley…little did she realize…in her mind was the old peeled grapes eyeballs and spaghetti intestines. I had a SHOW in mind. After all, it was a similar show in school that got me started. Best thing I can do is get more kids hooked. But, when I suggested either a Witch or Laboratory idea, she liked the lab…and I drew upon that failed run when I was 8. With only 20 days to prepare, however, that first year was rushed and incomplete.
Last year was the first “real” attempt at a full blown show. Weather conspired against us to destroy half my work. The Jacob’s ladder dead in the water (literally), flicker circuits on the fritz, lights breaking, and setup taking a lot longer than planned leaving me too hot and wet to allow proper makeup.
This year, we have focused on correcting what went wrong last year. New Jacob’s ladder can be disassembled for transit, allowing me to dry all components in the case of weather. Flicker circuits re-designed and spares in hand. New floor lamps…actual…REAL floor lamps, not my attempt at making some. The Tanks have been finished, leaks plugged. Everything simplified and retooled to make setup easier. And, we shaved my head this year, no need to worry about a bald cap.
That’s not to say everything is smooth sailing. We’ve been moved to an out-building. I’m not sure if the power will be sufficient, the door wide enough, or how far from the rest of the carnival this puts us.
There I go making myself nervous again….
Wish me luck. And, if you local, we’ld love to see ya at H Guy Child Elementary tomorrow night.
Hope all goes well for you.