The Dragon Wars Redux.

Well, as you may know, I was initially wrong on the timing of Dragon Wars on Scifi. Turns out it aired on Saturday night, not Friday. I must have heard the commercial wrong.

But, we have a detailed review from the family!!!

Kyles review:

As you can see, not only was the movie so thrilling that he fell asleep, the audio was so rivetting, he was compelled to cover his ears with pillows…

Alec’s Review:

Fleeing both sight and sound of the movie in a valiant attempt to level up some pokemon, he remained pounding the buttons in his sleep, and muttering something about some nonsense pokemon name as I lifted him into bed.

Cosette’s review:

Asleep, and seemingly annoyed at the same time.

Of course, not ALL of us fell asleep.

Jen found it more entertaining to go play on the laptop. Of course, she could not do so on the table as normal. NOOOO…that might allow that mind numbing vibe eminating from the movie sink in. So, she fled to the bedroom floor. Perhaps that explains why she’s so apparantly happy in her review.

Indy, meanwhile, found his fascination with this spoon…

This from the cat who plays fetch, drinks from the toilet, begs for table scraps, chews on my shoes, and is well on his way to learning to heel. I keep being reminded of the line in “The Last Crusade”: “We named the DOG Indy…”

Watching bad movies is certainly an acquired trait/taste. There are those, like me, who grew up on “Mystery Science Theater 3000”. For us, these movies offer a great opportunity to laugh. And the more serious the movie tries to be, the funnier it is. Dragon Wars certainly falls into this category, but I have most certainly seen worse films. Which would mean better films.

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