Announcing Project Nightfall.

I have spoken before about Guild Wars, and it’s influence on some of my designs for Halloween.

Well, turns out Guild Wars also runs an annual Halloween Art Contest. I have decided to go ahead and enter it this year.

I had considered keeping this decision, and some of the stuff I’ll be making for this contest private. But, that’s not a lot of fun, now, is it. And, if just one more person decides to deck out their house and enter as well because of this, I’ll be most happy. Time to get a few yard haunts into that contest with all the costumes, drawings, and other art, to be recognized as art in and of itself.

The rules state:
Create a concept and bring it to life:

Carve a pumpkin—real or not—and take a photograph.

Create a blueprint for other pumpkin carvers.

Sketch a costume by hand or on the computer. If you’re extra creative, stitch up that costume, add some makeup or temporary tattoos, and model it in a photograph.

Design a desktop image to share the joy in your home, school, or office.

Decorate a cake, bake some cookies, compose a menu, build an edible haunted house—put your culinary skills to the task.

Spruce up your homestead and send a photograph.

If there is one thing yard haunting does, it’s create a concept and bring it to life. And, thus far, the 3 years of contest has been devoid of yard haunters.

I wasn’t actually planning on entering this year. But, in making The Bloodcloth, it was one of the Guild Emblems that ultimately inspired the handprint design. Sure, I modified it a fair bit, but it was a Guild Emblem to originate the idea.

That got me thinking of the contest. Which in turn got me going through screenshots. Thus, Project Nightfall has been born.

An opportunity to do that one Halloween oriented theme I’ve always KINDA wanted to do, but could never bring myself to do something so ordinary.

A cemetery.

Guild Wars. Specifically Nightfall, offered me a glimpse of how to make one, most uniquely. And as I began work on my first ‘tombstone’ last night, Kyle gave me a befuddled look. “But Tombstones are supposed to be straight.”

Not anymore.

Stay tuned for plenty of how-to’s to create your own Guild Wars Graveyard, with a few special Halloween twists I’m planning to toss into the mix as well, as I shall keep you all up to date with Project Nightfall:

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