A Gemini at work.

If there’s one thing I can say about this tomb project, it’s that it is perfect for me.

If you’ve been following long, you’ll have noticed that I tend to start many projects early in the year, and don’t always finish them until October, if at all. As a Gemini, this seems quite natural for me.

Often, I’ve taken to setting deadlines for myself. This typically results in me rushing through a particular stage to get the project finished, even if it’s not my best work. Hey, at least it’s done, and who will notice in the dark anyway, right?

This tomb, however, has so many pieces to it, I’m easily able to hop from one area to another.

Saturday saw me working on Trevor, for instance.

And, I started getting that “let’s get this done to go work on the next thing” feeling. Well, the next thing is just more of the tomb, so I dropped Trevor and started working on a wall.

The thing is swiftly flying towards a completed piece. I’d sure like to have it finished in April. But, I’m going to avoid making that a deadline on this project. No need to rush anything.


Been racking my brain from the get go how we’re going to decorate our tomb.

There was always the obvious…

But that was a little more flamboyant than I wanted.

Yes, the Transi on top is nice and all, but the WALLS need something. I was searching for some cheap garden statues when I stumbled on the answer.

Enter the Pleurant.

That was something I could work with, or at least so I thought.

Oh how I want to bury this thing and hide that it ever existed…

Oh, ‘easy’ just stake it to the wall and build a form of wire and newspaper…yeah, um…failures are key to art.

So. Um. yeah, that never happened, and instead, I started with this thing.

Categorized as Recondite

Trevor the Transi.

We’ve begun work on our transi.

Kyle decided he liked the alliteration of “Trevor” for him.

As with many of our projects, the basis begins with a Bob. However, we’ve made a few minor updates to the process.

Most notably, moving to easier to work with wire, cardboard, and a switch to plaster wrap instead of paper mache, as it is cheap, easy, and dries much quicker, thus allowing more work in a smaller window.

Some spray foam to give it support.

Yes, there are fewer ribs than normal, specifically because I wanted more space to define them when we moved on to the next step.

With the torso done, I need to slow down and take a break. The head needs some thought, and I need to cast some hands and feet before I go making the arms and legs.

Categorized as Recondite

Tomb time.

Slowly cobbling things together for my tomb.

Built a foam cutter from mostly spare parts.

Then got to work getting all the pieces on the tomb itself.

Debating whether it’s a bit too tall or not. I mean, it fits in with realistic dimmensions, but wondering if I want to chop a foot off so kids can see the top more.

Next I need to start working on the fog chiller. But, even without, it’s coming along nicely on that front as well.

Now to start thinking on decorating the thing…

JK Studios.

Finally getting things back around to some semblence of ‘normal’ around here.

At some point just after halloween, I got to talking to a friend of mine who had recently begun JK Studio. Now, he may not think himself as the halloween type, but I personally beg to differ.

So, we got to talking. I’m always at a rush to make a mask just in time for Halloween…would he be interested in making one for me?

(and Talia has been talking about being a “Bob” for halloween ever since we got this one from them)

So, that meant we needed a copy of my face…

Being claustrophobic, that’s always…”fun”.

And, we had to do it twice since the first one got messed up. But, finally…

Did one of Kyle as well, to give them more bases to work off for their masks in general.

With those shipped off, we have moved on to my own projects.

I just couldn’t get those Transi tombs out of my head, so we’re going to make one ourselves.